Health and wellness are my focus, with a helping hand to getting you to achieve your full potential! We’ll not only chat about your current pain or injury, but also about your overall health goals and what drives you to continue to push yourself to the next level.

Getting you active and moving through structured exercise sessions, including group classes is such a powerful tool I use to help you achieve your full potential.

Outside of the clinic you’ll find me swimming, biking, and running at triathlons, so I know the demands of sport. With the addition of my experience as Sports Trainer at a local football club, I have the skills in managing acute injuries on the field and working through recovery to get you back on the field/court/pitch.

I’m originally from Tassie, but Bendigo feels like home after I fell in love with the town when I moved here for uni.

My areas of interest are:

Lower limb injuries

Running injuries

Exercise and strength training

Lower back and neck pain


Bachelor of Applied Science/Master of Physiotherapy