Get Moving, Get Fit, and Break the Sit!
Physical Activity is…
any movement that gets your body going and your heart pumping! Whether it's housework, gardening, commuting, or walking, these activities boost your energy and quicken your breath.
Not to be confused with exercise!
Exercise is…
the superstar of physical activity! It's planned, structured, and repetitive, designed to enhance your fitness, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Think of it as your personal fitness routine.
Sedentary Behaviour is…
the enemy of activity, involving prolonged sitting or lying down (not sleeping) during work, travel, or leisure.
Did you know?
Over 56% of Australian adults, or more than 9.5 million people, are sedentary or have low physical activity levels. This inactivity is a major risk factor for weight gain and chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Extremely sedentary behavior increases the risk of death by 49%!
While sitting at a desk for work may be unavoidable, it's crucial to stay active during leisure time. With our growing reliance on technology, we spend more time watching TV, playing video games, and surfing the net. Take charge of your health and get moving!
The benefits of being more physically active…
Reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease (including high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke)
Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
Improves muscular fitness and strength
Reduces risk/manages depression and anxiety
Reduces risk of obesity
Reduces your falls risk
Improves bone health
Reduces the risk of some forms of cancers
Reduces your risk of postural related musculoskeletal disorders
How much physical activity is recommended?
The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity weekly.
For extra health benefits, aim for 300 minutes (5 hours) per week of moderate activity. Include muscle-strengthening exercises for major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week.
Remember, it's not only about structured exercise. If all else fails…. just MOVE! Reducing sedentary time is key to maintaining or improving your health.
So, get up and get active!
Let's get moving and have fun!
Boost Your Activity Levels!
During Work:
Break up your sitting time—walk around every 30 minutes (set an alarm if needed).
Take a short walk at lunchtime.
Use the stairs whenever possible.
Park further away, ride a bike, or get off public transport a stop early.
During Leisure:
Any activity is better than none! Start slow and gradually increase.
Walking, swimming, and cycling are great starters.
Limit your screen time.
Get outdoors and make it social.
Establish a routine—set aside time daily for your physical and mental well-being.